Piloting the CAREERS model in apprenticeships and VET.

25/05/2022 News

As a pilot action, in Austria, ibw developed a freely accessible online train-the-trainer course, consisting of multiple modules and lessons, to raise the awareness for Career Management Skills and the existence of the CMS-framework and, furthermore, to support the practice-oriented development of those skills in vocational education and training, especially apprenticeship training.

Professionals who guide and support apprentices in their in-company training, as well as educational and career counsellors, in-company trainers from various companies, teachers and trainers in schools or other practitioners in the field of career orientation and guidance were involved.

The full pilot action was presented during the EUROPEAN CAREERS WEEK in Prague. The presentation from Wolfgang Bliem is available here.

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Project Number 612881-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD