Local Pilot Actions Germany

WP6, Pilot Actions and Improvement


Career Guidance Experts and Career Counselors for unemployed adults

This pilot action is a seminar with a curriculum on supporting unemployed people in the development of their skills on career planning. The approach included reflecting the role of the professionals (change of role), identifying the target group (and sub-target groups) and understand the influencing factors on the target group and how career support can help the target group. A larger part of the seminar (second day) focusses on direct intervention strategies and concepts that the practitioners can use in their work.

Target Group: Career Guidance Experts and Career Counselors for unemployed adults

“MentoRing”: a peer mentoring experience for secondary schools students

This Action worked to implement the CMS framework to support secondary school students in a mentoring programme. The pilot involved 14 students, 14 mentors and 6 career counsellors.
The aim of the Pilot was that the mentees support students in their journey from secondary 1 to secondary 2. They could learn from a role model (mentor) and get support if they face difficulties. In the meantime, the mentors learn to take a responsible and new role as mentors. They improve their habits as seniors and will also reflect on their own journey they had some years earlier.
The coaches (career counsellors) learn to support young people without being directive. They have a much more invisible role and the peer learning is much more important.
In the Pilot, mentors (trained by the career counsellors coaches) advised and supported the mentees when it came to application processes, training content or personal development. They helped younger people to make a more conscious decision about an occupation and to avoid dropping out of training.
After the mentoring ended, all participants received a certificate of participation. The Career Management Skills framework and associated tools and activities were used to structure and support the Pilot.

Training parkour:“Softskills are the new Hardskills”

This Pilot Action consisted in the development of a training parkour to support young people to know about and develop CMS. A set of CMS were chosen and transferred to short training interventions. The training will be used in a Job Fair called Job Barbecue and 200 - 400 young people can participate in the parkour during the day.
The parkour training was developed with different experts. First a frame for different short interventions was drafted.
In a next step, for each station of the parkour an expert (counsellor, HR expert) was identified to provide the short intervention. The parkour includes 7-9 stations.
Topics are:

  • Present yourself in a conversation with employers
  • Body Language
  • How to behave in an career interview
  • What is important for a professional CV - test your CV
  • What is your appearance?
  • What do you know about different jobs/vocations
  • What is my motivation?
  • What is my future - who owns my future?
  • Handy - Game

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Project Number 612881-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD