Ethical and sustainable thinking as an important part of CMS: the pilot in Italy

25/05/2022 News

As part of a pilot action in Italy, a class from the Liceo Marconi from Pesaro experimented with a new set of activities to explore and reflect on sustainability as a fundamental element for career management in contemporary society.

The activities took place as part of a new curriculum on career planning which consisted of 60 hours of activities. One morning was dedicated to sustainability and the class was taken to visit the unique installation called Sonosfera ( where students lived the immersive experience of being in amazonian forests which are now being damaged by human activities. The documentary "fragments of extinction" and the visit to the climate clock ( ) were preliminary activities which helped students to reflect on their career choice as a way to be proactive towards the climate challenge. Sectors and careers directly involved in facing climate change were investigated and students reflected on green jobs and the possibility of becoming an activist with their career choice.

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Project Number 612881-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD